
We organise weekly member-only socials during the term as well as regular socials open to the wider University community and friends of the Society

The Society members during its Christmas travel to Winchester, December 2022


We have initiated several charitable initiatives with the aim of making a positive impact in Ukraine and contributing to its recovery and reconstruction

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    OxUa Incubator



    OxUA Incubator is an online platform based in Oxford, UK, that selects, supports, and accelerates Ukrainian startups and promotes cooperation between the UK and Ukraine in the digital and technological sectors. Founded by five Ukrainian Scholars at the University of Oxford in 2022, the initiative wishes to connect high-calibre Ukrainian Tech start-ups with the UK's digital infrastructure in line with its Digital Strategy.
    The platform aims to select promising Ukrainian start-ups (initially in the fields of Education and Health) and support their development with the help of academic and financial resources, as well as a community of mentors, experts, and advisers from the University of Oxford, the UK and worldwide.
    For more information, please visit our website.

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    Oxford-Kharkiv Association



    The Oxford–Kharkhiv Association is a voluntary society set up by students and professionals from both cities to exchange skills and experience. It complement the initiatives in Oxfordshire that are already supporting the people of Kharkiv and its region in the war effort, recovery, and reconstruction .
    The Association works to establish personal and professional links between students and professionals in the Kharkiv region and Oxfordshire, as well as to design joint programmes that will provide support to people in the Kharkiv region who are trying to maintain their life in wartime conditions. Additionally, the Association works to extend knowledge of Kharkiv and its region in Oxfordshire through a newsletter and cultural events.
    The Association welcomes new members – please join by sending us an e-mail or visit our website.

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    Ukrainian Culture Weeks



    Ukrainian Culture Weeks is a festival of Ukrainian culture and intellectual heritage in the city of Oxford. Co-organised in September 2022 by Cherwell College, Dom Master Class, and Oxford University Ukrainian Society, this partnership aimed at fostering collaboration between British and Ukrainian academic and cultural institutions. 
    The festival consisted of 19 events held at 9 different locations in the city of Oxford. Bringing 42 renowned artists, academics, and musicians from Ukraine and various cities in Europe to Oxford, the festival's aim was to express gratitude to the British people for their solidarity with Ukraine.
    For more information, please visit the event page.

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    Ukrainian Student Conference



    The Ukrainian Student Conference conference brought together dozens of Ukrainian students and UK University alumni from across the whole country for a day of talks, working groups, monitoring, and lectures.
    The first 2022 conference was held on 28–29 October at the University of Manchester, and was jointly organised by the Ukrainian Student Union, the Ukraine Hub UK initiative, and the Ukrainian Student Societies of the Universities of Manchester, Oxford and LSE.
    For more information, please visit the event page.

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