To become a member, please fill in the form below

Membership in the Oxford University Ukrainian Society is open to any matriculated member of the University of Oxford. The Committee may also, at its discretion, admit to membership any resident member of any other educational establishment in the UK and other external persons with a legitimate interest in the Society's work and contributions. Please fill out the following form to apply for your membership. Once approved, you will be notified via email with your Unique Member Identifier (UMI). Membership does not expire. However, the Committee reserves the right to remove a person for a good cause. The person concerned may appeal against such removal to the Senior Member. 
All information provided in this form will be kept safe and processed exclusively by the Committee.

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Membership Benefits

Enjoy the benefits that come with our membership: a welcoming community, inspiring speakers from a broad range of fields, and a variety of cultural and entertainment events.

— Social Events —

— Inspiring Speakers —

— Career Events —

— Language Classes —

— Alumni Network —


— Great Experience —

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