President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko in Oxford
On March 6, Oxford University Ukrainian Society, along with the Oxford University International Relations Society, hosted the third President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko.
In 2004-2005 Orange Revolution signified the re-invigoration of the national idea for Ukrainians, which then continued via the Revolution of dignity and now keeps burning in the heart of every Ukrainian. Upon the Orange Revolution, Viktor Yushchenko was elected as the President of Ukraine.
In his warm address to the Oxford University community the President highlighted a number of important issues.
📍Russia is at the root of Ukrainian problems. It was invading Ukraine 24 times over the past 370 years. The current idea is to push the Russians away from every square meter of the Ukrainian land occupied over the past 9 years.
📍 The core focus areas of the Ukrainian political agenda are (i) defence and ultimate victory, (ii) security framework in the aftermath, (iii) economic reconstruction via the Marshall plan of the 21 century for Ukraine and the (iv) intenternational prosecution for the the russian war criminals.
📍Ukraine is one of the most consolidated nations in Europe. It is glued by the common historical memory, language and culture. 40 million Ukrainians with the invincible united spirit are the unbreakable force even for the much more numerous enemy. It’s the spirit that matters, and not the litters of blood spilled.
Glory to Ukraine!