Oxford Chamber Music Festival 2022

Oxford Chamber Music Festival 2022


Just a couple of days left before the Oxford Chamber Music Festival 2022 - book your tickets now!


The festival will be opened by the meditative music of our featured composer, the Ukrainian Valentin Silvestrov, together with profound masterpieces by Bach and Rameau already already this Tuesday, December 13, at All Soul's College Chapel at 6 pm.


Book your tickets here: https://www.ocmf.net/2022-festival/concerts/


Important! The final concert on Saturday, December 17 at 1 pm and 7.45 pm will have FREE tickets for Ukrainians living in Oxford.The event will take place in the beautiful Olivier Hall at St Edward's School with music by Silvestrov, Skoryk, Beethoven and Schubert, alongside Ukrainian poet Marie Bashkirtseff read by Sally Bayley.Email Louise.hughes@ocmf.net to receive the code which is used to book the free tickets directly on the Tickets Oxford website.


We are looking forward to see you at the festival!

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