One year since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine

One year since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine

🇺🇦 Today we mark one year since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

This year has been by far among the hardest in the history of independent Ukraine. February 24th 2022 began for many of us with the sounds of explosions and endless calls to our beloved ones, with the terrible "it has started". Over this year, we have learned that one’s entire life can fit in a single backpack. That time can stop when the simple message - "how are you?" – stays without reply. That the war is not a horror we see in the movies, but that it cruelly takes our dearest people and separates us from from our closest ones.

Through all this pain, every one of us learned over this year what true courage and resilience mean. They are in the eyes of the brave Ukrainian defenders fighting this exact minute for the future of their children. They are in the sleepless nights of volunteers who keep raising money, working, packing medical kits and finding things that seem impossible to find. They are in all those who support Ukraine and its independence through their words and deeds ever since the beginning.

This year Oxford University created an unprecedented scholarship for 26 graduate students from Ukraine. This unique opportunity gave them the opportunity to pursue their studies at a world-leading institution to strengthen their country and contribute to its recovery and reconstruction. Today’s scholars will be able to use the most advanced knowledge and skills to rebuild Ukraine and contribute to a more peaceful world order after Ukraine’s victory.

This day we, as the Oxford University Ukrainian Society, want to remind that Ukraine keeps protecting its freedom, sovereignty and independence. This time is crucial for us as a nation, and for the whole world – because this is the moment when the true democratic and human values are being carved in history.

#standwithUkraine, keep talking about Ukraine, keep helping Ukraine - and together we will win!

Glory to Ukraine!

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